Sunday, March 23, 2014

bridal showers #farmstyle

Farming families work hard. And we work a lot. 
But we also like to have fun. And we like to have fun a lot. 
Which is precisely why, on Saturday, we took time to celebrate my sister-in-law's upcoming marriage. 
Because we're Lutheran. And we like marriage. 
A lot. 
We had a hard time determining what the theme should be. 
Finally I decided on a high tea, Downtown Abbey-style. Tea. Heavy Cream. Scones. Crumpets. Biscuits. (Not really sure what the difference is, but they all sound impressive.)
My husband and his brother would naturally dress up as footman and serve us. 
Except for the part where Chris voted that idea down in -.03 seconds. 

Instead, we went for vintage vibrant. 
Lots of colors. Lots of fun. Lots of joy. 
All things that make us think of Sarah!

{Full disclosure: A secret shower board on Pinterest, the cyber crack of the century, didn't hurt either.}
Dorr women like to thrift and hang on to all things party related, so when Mom sees vintage bells, she nabs them. And when I see a 1960s marriage counseling kit of hilarious flashcards (i.e., A good way to avoid disagreements in a marriage is to have a child. Agree or disagree?), I nab those too. 

We run through the Dollar Store now and again too, just in case we happen to find adorable heart-shaped banners we can't live without. 

And we don't mind buying flowers from Aldi if we can swing it. 

We show our love for others through our home. It took me a long time to realize this. But then it finally came to me: We like to make people feel loved and special, to let them know that they matter, and this is the form it takes. It's not for everyone, but it's us, and that's okay.
It doesn't necessarily explain bells in the basement and a plastic bride and groom that just happened to be hiding in the closet, but it helps.

It's also why everybody else got a paint chip bookmark and a little monogrammed note to write helpful marriage thoughts to share with the bride and groom. 

Because, let's face it, those are actually helpful. And sometimes hilarious. But mostly helpful.

We ate chocolate chip scones. 
Not because of the chocolate, of course, but because the recipe calls for a cup of cream . . . and butter. 
Just supporting the dairy industry, that's all. 
Taking one for the team. 
And, you know, chocolate. 

We nibbled on ombre cookies, which Chris insists on calling St. Ambrose cookies. 
(Side note: If a psychologist ever tried to do a word association test on us, he would end up crying in a corner.)
And because Sarah loves donuts, and because we love Sarah, we had to have a donut tree. 

And a little cookie tree, full of little cookie bracelets that served as little cookie flavors. 

We drank orange juice and grenadine in milk bottles, because (a) why wouldn't you? (b) colors! (c) fun! (d) joy! 

And to top it off, we tried out a rainbow cake, which tasted pretty good, even if the blue cake did get a little saggy in the middle. 

Sarah is the  youngest of two brothers. She has endured Legos, wrestling, tractors, and all the other accouterments that come with being the only girl in the family. 
But on Saturday, Sarah got to be surrounded by her girls, all the lovely ladies in her life who have prayed for her, loved on her, and just can't wait to see her walk down the aisle in a few months. 

{And subsequently, all the married women decided that wives should get to register again right around 20 years of marriage, just about the time that measuring cups and pans and dishes are wearing out. I see no problem with this and advocate for it strongly.}

And perhaps that's the best part of a bridal shower: Hearing from all the married ladies who, by God's grace, have been faithful wives, enduring in grace and patience, and then watching the young ladies who have praying for, and can't wait to be given, that gift too.

So here's to Sarah, the woman the Lord uses to bring such joy and color and laughter to her family.

And here's to Cindy, who taught her what being a wife and a mom and a Lutheran woman looks like. 

Because any time a Lutheran woman meets a Lutheran man and the two of them desire to be a husband and wife and mom and dad and just wonderful in general, 
well, heck. That's worth celebrating. 

So, Sarah, if you're reading:
We love you. We do. 
That's not just something we write on the stairs. 
We really mean it. 
It's why we'll always take time to celebrate your upcoming marriage. 
Because we're Lutheran. And we like marriage. 
A lot. 


  1. What a lovely party. Well done you! Best wishes to Sarah and her fella!

  2. Wow, great pictures and super cute decorations! I'm not lutheran, but I love marriage too! Haha =)

  3. The party looks like great you mind telling us where the "they lived happily ever after" piece of art came from? It is so wonderful! Yay for marriage!

    1. Sarah's aunt made it. She went to Hobby Lobby, purchased a piece of canvas stretched over a frame, bought wooden letters that she glued to the canvas, and spraypainted the entire piece. It was beautiful!

  4. Thanks for including me in your "blogs we're partial to" So sweet of you! Hoping all is well with you.

  5. Wonderful ideas. Got a whole case of glass bottles from when my son bottled milk. Must get them out of the box and put them to use! Have been keeping company with my "pet" for 56 yrs now but can always learn something new.
    Don't understand signing in so appear "anonymous" Dee

  6. Great post today. An interesting read for any person who would agree with your views.

  7. Your approach for planning this party was really good dear and glad that you planned such a beautiful and successful party. I also had planned a nice bridal shower for my sister at wedding venues Los Angeles and your party reminded me of that.

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