Wednesday, October 15, 2014

bunting love

Buntings are the new black. They're chic. They match everything. They're both casual and formal. They're timeless. And you can never, ever, never ever have too many of them.
That's why, instead of hosting a mug swap, (because, you know, we like to be different), my sister Kellee put forth the idea of a bunting swap. 
You can have too many coffee cups. But you can never, ever, never ever . . . ok, we've touched on that already. 
Kellee contacted a handful of us and we contacted a couple of our close friends. When everybody jumped on the bunting bandwagon, because it's an awesome bandwagon on which to jump, she sent each of us an email saying which gal each of us would be making a bunting for. 
We had ladies from Colorado and California, Michigan and Texas, Illinois and Delaware, and states in between. It was a countrywide effort, people.
Each of us got to work, creating buntings based on what type each person has asked for. Some wanted a Christmas bunting. Others wanted one for a birthday. My sister-in-law asked for a bunting to create a little joy in her laundry room. (Because if there's one room in the house that could use a little oomph, it's that one.) 
Then, on Sept. 29, we all stuck our buntings in the mail to each other. Some gals included extras on the side: all the paper goods for a birthday party or vintage plates and salt and pepper shakers. 
And then, if we're being honest, we all sat like stalkers in front of our living room windows, waiting for the mail man to arrive. 
And look what the USPS brought us! 
Each one of us got an adorable bunting, handmade by ladies from around the United States, some of whom we knew and some of whom we didn't. 
We all think we're busy. We all believe there's no time for anything. But in this little swap, we learned that there's always time for buntings . . . and for friends. 
Friends, that is, who know the value of a good bunting.