Sunday, January 25, 2015

easy cheesy

National Cheese Day is over, but that doesn't mean the celebration has to stop. This week, while you're meal planning, keep some dairy-related meals in mind by following this link to the 50 Best Cheese Recipes from the 50 States.

Go ahead.

Click the link.

I can wait.

No, really.

Take your time.

I'm still here.



You probably noticed that the Iowa Corn Chowder from Iowa looks a little familiar.


Just sayin'.

Not only is dairy delicious (Cheese. Ice cream. Chocolate milk. I can keep this up for hours.) but it serves up a healthy serving of calcium, potassium and vitamin D . . . all in one delectable Iowa corn chowdery bite.

So . . . what's your favorite dairy recipe?

Please share.

No, really.

I can wait.

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