Wednesday, March 04, 2015

c'mon, spring

Can it be spring now?

Can we till the garden and start plotting where the sweet corn and tomatoes are going to be planted? 

Can the pasture turn green and the grass grow long and the cows pick their favorite grasses to chew on before eating the rest?

Can we plant pink and red and orange and yellow flowers in big pots on the deck?

Can we put up our patio umbrella and sit under it to eat a salad at the end of a long day?

Can we scatter wildflower seeds along the edge of the barn and wait for them to surprise us with color?

Can the yard and the lane not be a muddy, soppy mess?

Can the dogs be dry instead of, well, muddy, soppy messes?

Can it stay light longer? 

Can we open the windows and let the fresh breeze move the curtains?

Can we order our chickens and hear them make a ruckus any time the cows get close and moo in their general direction?


Those are my questions. 

But really . . . can it be spring now?

PS Are you a farmer? Know a farmer? Heard of a farmer? None of the above but just love the fact that farmers produce the food that goes on your table? Order the Farms Matter print here


  1. Umm...I could not be more with you.

    And you are pretty much the Thanks for the plug! You are THE best!

  2. Ooo are you ordering chickens this year!

    1. We are! We're planning to order some Cornish X Rocks and maybe a handful of pretty ones just for fun. Any recommendations?
