Tuesday, March 10, 2015

starting spring planting inside

Earlier this week, it was 70 degrees here in Missouri. 


This is a big deal when you're a Northern girl who lived through Iowa and Wisconsin winters that had a tendency to still be going strong in May. 

But when the weather turns warm, even though you know it's going to get chilly again, you can't help but get the seeds and the dirt and egg cartons out, and start a little planting indoors. 

Last year, I let the garden get a little out of hand. 


A LOT out of hand. 

Ok, it was jungle.

This year, I'm determined for that not to happen, even if I have to pull weeds with a flashlight at 2:00 in the morning. 

Or maybe not. 

To get a head start on not getting behind, we planted some vegetables that work well to plant in advance: a couple of different kinds of peas, tomatoes and peppers. 

This will be the first year we're planting string beans, in addition to all the regulars, but you have to wait on those. Beans go straight into the ground. 

Pro tip: You can buy the biodegradable planters from Walmart for a couple bucks, or you can just hang on to your egg cartons and use those.  

Besides, ours have Bible verses on the inside, and who couldn't stand to read a little Scripture while thinking about all the gifts God has to give in His creation? 

Give your seeds and dirt a good soak, and cover them with plastic. Or if you're me . . . Saran Wrap. You're going for a mini greenhouse effect.

Stick them in a warm place that gets plenty of sun (ladies, you'll get your kitchen counters back in a month.), and water them every day or every other day, making sure that the dirt doesn't dry out.

It also doesn't hurt to have a couple of solar-powered flowers/cows with petals that bob along in the windowsill. They're kind of like the little seeds' personal cheerleaders. 

Is it worth it to grow your own fruits and vegetables? Maybe. You can run to the store and pick up carrots more easily and probably cheaper than growing them at home. 

But if you have the space and you like the taste, garden the heck out of that ground!

{Plus, having to pick peas and beans and strawberries in sweltering heat as a kid gives me plenty to complain to my mom about, so think of it as a favor to your kiddos. Errr . . . wait a minute.}

And if you just can't wait for the ground to warm up, if the thought of fresh-picked peas and tomatoes off the vine is occupying your thoughts, get out your dirt, grab a packet of seeds and plant. 

And if half the tomato plants die, hey, look on the bright side: there's always a grocery store!

What are you planting in your garden this year?


  1. Kellee and I were just talking today about how Mom always had a jillion cucumbers, thus making half a jillion jars of pickles every year. Did we eat all those pickles? I don't think so. Why were there always so many pickles?! Why not just cut back on the amount of cucumbers planted so you don't feel guilty if they go to waste? Hmmm... Mom?

    1. Because she wanted the house to smell like vinegar for a month so that we'd be afraid to enter the kitchen. OBVIOUSLY. Oh, hey, Mom.

  2. It was probably to assure that SOMETHING actually came up and stayed alive. Which obviously happened fairly often.

  3. We hit 50 degrees this week and it was pretty thrilling for Indiana! :-) Our garden usually has roma tomatoes (for canning salsa), bell peppers (to eat and flash freeze) and zucchini (even when it multiplies overnight). I'm ready to get our garden going this year, especially since I see all our Amish neighbors getting ready for theirs! Love my garden. Hate weeding, but love my garden.

    1. I'm right there with you on the weeding. We should probably start a support group. :)

      PS Enjoy that warm weather!
