Sunday, June 07, 2015

a (p)update

Colt - half Shar Pei, half lab 

Just a few weeks ago we suddenly found ourselves in THAT category: the one that includes people who have too many dogs. 

Winchester - half lab, half Great Pyrenees 
One farm dog is good. Two isn't out of the ordinary. Three is more rare but not unheard of.

But four. 


We're doing our best not to think about that too much. 

For now, the puppies spend most of their days play fighting, sleeping, snoring, eating, whining, laying under the deck and running out into the pasture because the smell of cow is just too much to resist. 

And bless old Blackjack's heart, he takes it all in stride, even when they follow him around the yard like goslings following a goose. 

They lay on him, play with him, sit under him, sidle up next to him and generally form a small circle of heavy-breathing puppy-ness all around him. 

The traits unique to their breeds are starting to peek out as well. The two Great Pyrs head off together to explore and keep, you know, bugs and birds at bay, while the Shar Pei stays close to people, protecting us from, uh, bugs and birds? 

We may have inadvertently found ourselves in the too-many-dogs club, but hey, our lawn is well fertilized, raccoons don't with a mile of our house, and our chickens don't even think about getting loose. Maybe, just maybe, that makes up for it. 

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