Monday, July 27, 2015

antibiotics in milk?

We've gotten to a funny place in society where folks listen more to their peers than they do to people in the know when it comes to certain big issues. 

In a sense, I get it. When it comes to cooking, it's easier to ask my mom how not to burn supper than it is to track down Giada deLarentis. 

Plus, I believe my mom. 

I mean, SHE'S MY MOM.

But if I were to ask my mom who I should root for in the Super Bowl this year, it wouldn't end well. My mom isn't into sports. She doesn't care about football. She probably doesn't even know when the Super Bowl is. (True confessions: Me neither.)

In that case, I'd go to someone who actually knows football, or in this case, someone who actually knows the truth about whether or not antibiotics are in the milk you buy in the grocery store. 

Who would that person be, you ask? Try a dairy farmer! After all, he or she is the one who is caring for cows and testing their milk on a daily basis.  

The good news is that, thanks to the Internet, you don't have to be married to a dairy farmer to learn from and interact with one. (Although I do highly recommend it. Not that I'm biased.)

So, have a listen. Are your Cheerios swimming in antibiotics every morning?


Absolutely not. 

But when it comes to football? Yeah, you're on your own, kid. 

1 comment:

  1. Is football the game that has that round one that bounces? Also, drink your milk!
