Tuesday, October 27, 2015

day 20 of farmacology: our chickens are cray cray

One of the things you may not know about farm folks is that

we have crazy chickens.  

We have five chickens: three Red Stars and two Black Stars. They haven't started laying yet, but we're banking on them producing any day now.

Ok, so we've been saying that for a month. 

But this time we mean it. 

And they apparently do too, because in the last week, they've discovered that their pen can't contain them anymore. 

First, one Black Star learned she could quite literally fly the coop. 

Then, just as quickly, she learned that puppies find wandering chickens a lot of fun to chase. 

Then she learned that if she darted under the electric fence into the pasture, the puppies would leave her alone. 

Now she pretty much fancies herself a heifer. 

And two of her friends aren't far behind. I looked outside yesterday to see three newly free-range, cage-free chickens and . . . 

one snoozing Great Pyrenees. Some livestock guardian SHE is.

This morning, the three chickens were back out again and darting in and out between puppies and heifers. The heifers chase the chickens out of the pasture. The dogs chase them back in. No wonder they don't have any time to lay eggs. 

Crazy chickens. 

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