One of the things you may not know about farm folks is that
we like to encourage the next generation of farmers.
My farmer's family has been farming for six generations. Mine has been farming for five. I think that means our kids will be eleventh-generation farmers. That's how that works, isn't it?
Because despite the long hours, the too-wet springtimes and the too-dry falls, the broken machinery, the fluctuation of the market and the risks that sometimes are worth taking and sometimes aren't, the problems no one else can solve and the search for good help, snow drifts to plow in the winter and mud to wade through in the spring, the construction projects and the bills, farming is some of the best work out there.
There's nothing like the smell of fresh-turned dirt, or counting the Vs of geese flying through the air, falling into bed exhausted after an immensely productive day or owning your own farm, watching a litter of piglets thrive on their mama's milk or seeing a tree trunk filled with monarch butterflies in transit.
It may not always be easy, but it's worth it . . . whether you're one or a hundred. And we don't want them to forget it.

Because despite the long hours, the too-wet springtimes and the too-dry falls, the broken machinery, the fluctuation of the market and the risks that sometimes are worth taking and sometimes aren't, the problems no one else can solve and the search for good help, snow drifts to plow in the winter and mud to wade through in the spring, the construction projects and the bills, farming is some of the best work out there.

It may not always be easy, but it's worth it . . . whether you're one or a hundred. And we don't want them to forget it.
Want to read more of my 31 day farmacology writing challenge? Click here.
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