Tuesday, February 23, 2016

oh dear

It turns out that our Great Pyrenees - Petunia - has been, uh, KNOWN. 

In the biblical sense. 


To make this even more complicated . . . our first Great Pyr, Wally, got the neighbor's lab pregnant. Then he got run over. 

So we got a second Great Pyr . . . the exact same day the neighbor asked us to take two of the lab's puppies. 

One was Wally's protege and one was their Shar Pei's offspring. 

That's correct. 

We ended up with three puppies in one day. It was also the day we told our parents we were having a baby. 

Like I said . . . oh dear. 

Now Petunia is pregnant . . . perhaps with Wally's son's baby or perhaps with our black lab Blackjack's pups. 

Can someone please cue the Lion King's Circle of Life? 

In any case, if you're in Missouri and are on the lookout for a 3/4 Great Pyr -- or perhaps a half Great Pyr, half lab -- give us a shout-out. Petunia, like State Farm, has got you covered. 


  1. Still laughing here! Not at your ... ummm..."misfortune", but at the way you deliver the news! I wonder what puppies that are half black lab and half Great Pyr would look like? I guess I'd better stay posted and I might find out!

  2. Hilarious! She looks so innocent. I can't wait to see what the puppies look like and who knows, I might even make a trip to Missouri just to get one. This Kentucky dairy needs a fluffy giant.
