I love wintery smells: wood burning in fireplaces, sugar cookies fresh from the oven, gingerbread houses, chestnuts roasting on an open fire . . .
Ok, actually I've never smelled those.

When winter arrived, our house always smelled delicious. Between my mom's cooking and the fresh smell of winter and snow that practically burns your lungs, it was a clear indicator that wintertime in Iowa was officially open for business.

Consequently, this was also the time of year that I spent half the day chipping ice out of my rabbits' water dish, breaking icicles off the side of the chicken house just because I could and begging my sisters to play outside with me while they took every opportunity to slip away and hide while I was wailing and pleading.
Come to think of it, what's so great about wintertime again?

It's also the time of year that Mom would turn the back burner on the stove on low, toss together some orange slices and cinnamon sticks, and let the fragrance fill the house with a delightful smell that made you feel warm, even when you were peeling six layers of snow pants off in the back porch.
As gifts for friends or for use in your home, this wintery potpourri is easy to make, wonderful to sniff and just may fill you with happy memories: like the time your big sister landed a snowball right in your face or your dad made you scream with fake terror doing donuts on the ice in the driveway.
You know, the happy memories.

Here's to winter!
Winter Potpourri
1 orange, sliced
4 cinnamon sticks
1/2 cup cranberries
1 T. whole cloves
Combine ingredients in a small saucepan. Add a cup or two of water. Turn on low. Add water as needed.
Thanks for sharing this! What a great idea. I am looking forward to giving this a try over the weekend. Your photography is lovely, too.
ReplyDeleteYou're quite welcome. I hope it fills your house with all sorts of delicious wintery smells!