Our garden didn't really do like we'd hoped this year.
There's that whole weeding thing and then I got bitten by a brown recluse and had to keep the bite covered and out of the sun and then somehow every tiny blade of grass somehow exploded and our garden ended up looking like a weedy version of our yard.
Maybe gardening and I just don't mix. Yeah. We'll go with that.

One of the few things that did thrive was zucchini. We had a LOT of zucchini. I made zucchini bread, zucchini boats, zucchini chips, zucchini everything ever.
I also canned a lot of zucchini relish, thanks to the Ball Canning cookbook my mom and sisters gave me.
So for Christmas, don't be surprised if I show up at your door with some zucchini relish and a recipe for Honey Pecan Chicken Salad, which--wait for it--calls for relish.
In other news, one of our chickens got into a brief . . . scuffle . . . with one of the dogs so we could probably supply the chicken too at this point.
You can find the recipe card {it's a free printable} at I Should Be Mopping the Floor. (And really, shouldn't we all?)
And the cute little labels? Eight for a buck at the Dollar Store. Boom.

Heck, you don't even have to have canned anything. Pair some pasta and spaghetti sauce, some salsa in a jar with holiday-colored chips, or some homemade bread with some marina sauce (I should note our tomatoes DID produce, so you might be getting some of this too . . . spoiler alert), and you're set.
Also, aren't you hungry now?
Me too.
See? I KNEW we went together like weeds and gardens, recipe cards and zucchini relish!
I am so excited to have finally connected with you,hopefully it will work out. I do love the recipes you are sharing with us and thank you.