We have a routine at our house. Every morning when our little girl wakes up, we go to the window and look for the heifers. If she can't spot them, she cranes her neck to see if they're hiding somewhere. And when she can't find them out one window, she leans toward the other window to see if somehow they're there.
I mean, they never are. That would mean they are standing smack dab in the middle of the road, and that wouldn't be good for anyone--them or us . . . or the poor Fed-Ex guy who always slows down for our dogs and ends up stopped in the middle of the road honking his horn at them.
But on the days she's lucky and really does spot them, she waves toward the heifers and lets out a cheery, "Hi!"
And if it's really a good day, and she spies both heifers and our dogs, she lets loose with a, "Hi, dogs! Hi, dogs! Mooo!"
She's happy. I'm happy. Everyone's happy. It's a good start to any day.

I'm also happy anytime I'm eating this toffee dip. It's a little sweet and a little crunchy. It goes wonderfully with apples-- or any kind of fruit really. It's got dairy in it. It's also better than waving at cows. (Just don't tell my little girl I said that.)
And, let's face it, it's basically addicting, just like cute babies and happy heifers.
You've been forewarned. Keep this up and you might have a new routine yourself!
Apple Toffee Dip
1 package cream cheese (Hi, cows!)
3/4 cup lightly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 8-oz. package toffee bits
Soften cream cheese. Mix with sugars and vanilla. Finally, fold in toffee bits. Serve immediately, or chill and serve.
Those heifers and apple toffee dip look yummy. I eat a lot of apples daily so I think this is going to be a big treat for me. Going to ask my mom to make this for me since the recipe looks easy.