If you're looking for two small children who are passionate about face washing, they live at our house. Two weeks ago, my three-year-old and two-year-old started Life Abundantly's Gentle and Classical Preschool curriculum, and let me just put it this way: They're here for face washing.

Let me issue this disclaimer though: I'm a firm believer that, at this age, a child's most important work is playing. We spend our days doing just that, reading a lot of good books, helping with real life tasks like pinning clothes on the clothesline and setting the table, taking solid naps, running around outside as much as possible and reading still more.
I am not the mom who wants my child in every sport by age 3, memorizing his multiplication tables by 3.5, and trying out for Quiz Bowl at age 4.
Ain't happenin' in this house.
At the same time, I recognize that my little people are curious about everything (Why? Why, Mom? But why?) and that there is a benefit to learning to sit still, if only for 15 minutes a day. Thus, Gentle and Classical.

So while you won't find us memorizing Latin declensions just yet or working on trigonometry (ever . . . if it were up to me), you will, for example, find us learning that tadpoles turn into frogs, searching outside for said polywogs, and listening to Frog and Toad.
You'll find us singing our days of the week and months of the year, looking at the calendar to count down the days until family members visit, and marking out which day is "church day."
You'll find us memorizing Scripture and having deep toddler conversations that go like this: "No, F, you are NOT the Good Shepherd. Jesus is the Good Shepherd! That's what John 10:11 says!" and "No, G. Good Shepherd ME!"
And you'll find us counting the rocks we've picked up in the lane and hauled around in a small, dinged up Tonka dump truck.

Teaching my little people that fish swim in the ocean and that patience is a virtue is one of the brightest spots in my day, and from the repeat question of, "Can C go take a nap so that we can do school, Mom?" it's clear to me that my two older kids love it too.
Thanks to our little school routine, I now have two happy face-washers. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go see what week we learn how to fold clothes, cook supper and unpack the dishwasher . . .
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