Coronavirus makes us do crazy things, like bake coffee cakes unnecessarily. I'm not confirming that I did that, but I can confirm that I've never baked a coffee cake until this whole mess started, so, okay, yes, I did do that.

also got out my grandmother's sewing machine this week, as though I've
somehow turned into Ma Ingalls and will be able magically to sew a mug
rug that doesn't look like my four-year-old made it. More on that one to
follow because those pictures are going to be prime "nailed it" quality
on Pinterest.

my mom, who actually can sew, provides a lot of inspiration. She has
made each of my children his or her own quilt, and I love them so much I
haven't actually let a child drool or spit up or basically do anything
other than very calmly lay underneath them, because aren't they just the
most beautiful?
on my machine threading (lack of) success so far, I'm confident I won't
be the grandma who can produce something this meaningful and fun. But
my goodness. I'm so thankful she is!

Now here's the next question: Who else has taken up a craft or hobby you've put on the shelf? Any takers?
I'm teaching myself how to can. I've already made up on batch of strawberry jam for the next year.