We started out the month with a two-year-old turning three who couldn't decide what kind of birthday he wanted. A bed birthday, a silage birthday, a cow birthday, so Mom picked and gave him a good, old-fashioned digger birthday, and it turns out he was quite okay with it because M&Ms were involved. So that solved that.

Then, thanks to Grandma keeping an eye on the toddler, the big kids and I started a science lab to see if we can make sourdough starter from scratch. This feels like a science experiment gone really wrong. Not gonna lie. Fermented cultures don't sound like something I really want growing in my pantry, but nevertheless we persist.

We're also heading into fall party season, so naturally giant ears of corn decor are a must. A MUST.
The five-year-old wanted to bake some bread to enter in the fair, so we baked and then promptly forgot to enter it. But the peanut butter cookies both boys entered got first and second place, so the bread was quickly forgotten.
We also picked flowers for our Classical Conversations tutor to let her know how grateful we are for her and her kindness! And also because if we waited two weeks longer, the zinnias may have been a dried arrangement, and that's just not really how we roll.
We attempted a final peach pie of the season. Score: 9/10 for taste, 2/10 for appearances. Pie bakers, leave all your tips and tricks in the comments. The cows were the only way to cover up the hideousness of it all.
So now we are gearing up for our fall harvest party, replete with all our dear homeschooling friends and neighbors and church family, and then our post-silage thank-you party where we feed our dairy friends in a vain attempt to thank them for the long hours they put in on our behalf. Speaking of, anyone have a good soup recipe that feeds 125?
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